This coming Tuesday’s Pecha Kucha represents a milestone for the much loved Hawke’s Bay branch, being it’s 40th event presented in the region. From humble beginnings with gatherings in the Clive Hall, the Cabana and other smaller venues, Tuesday’s evening will be held in The Opera House at Toitoi in Hastings. The 39thevent, in April, attracted over 300 people to a near sell out in Napier’s Century Theatre at the MTG.
Pecha Kucha is a format developed in Japan to allow for a concise, entertaining way of sharing information and ideas. Each presenter selects 20 images, which are displayed on a large screen for 20 seconds each. This means that the entire presentation is 6 minutes and 40 seconds long. Subjects cover a wide variety of topics, but are not allowed to be overtly promotional. The concept is not about selling anything, it’s about sharing interests, passions and reflections.
Tuesday’s evening will have 9 people presenting, with topics as varied as the intricacies of online chess, a passion for the art of American Graphic Designer and collage artist Rex Ray, writing a complex biography of a prominent historical family, and curating a Readers and Writers Festival.
Presenters for the 40th HB Pecha Kucha will be Hugh MacBain, Jackie Chapman, Louise Ward, Denis O’Reilly, Stephen Robinson, Ross MacKerras, Ollie Powrie, Rosheen Fitzgerald and Sue Weston. Jamie Macphail is the MC for the evening.
The Details:
Pecha Kucha Hawke’s Bay #40
Toitoi Arts & Events Centre, Hastings
Tuesday June 11th, 2024
Doors at 5.30pm, Presentations begin at 6.00pm
Tickets $10.00 – cash only at the door please
The bar at Totoi will be open beforehand and during intermission.