Hawke’s Bay Hospital has launched its Te Pae Uma, Ata Rangi Breastfeeding Kaiāwhina service.

Te Pae Uma is a hospital-based service supporting māmā and pēpi on their breastfeeding journey.

To meet its Pae Ora obligations, the hospital’s priority is whānau māori and Pasifika.

A drop-in service is available in the Waiōha Whānau Room in Ata Rangi Maternity every Wednesday between 9am and 1pm.

Kaiāwhina are an essential part of the New Zealand Aotearoa health and disability sector workforce.

Kaiāwhina are qualified Māori community health workers and use Māori models of health to work collaboratively with whānau.

Many kaiāwhina can understand and speak te reo Māori and have a strong knowledge of local iwi and Māori health groups. This can help whānau to stay or become connected to local Māori support.

They offer support services for mothers and their pēpe/tamariki that is designed to generate a warm, therapeutic, non-judgemental and culturally safe environment for the whānau and their pēpe.

Kaiāwhina who have received breastfeeding education can help by supporting breastfeeding, encouraging parenting skills, and building self-esteem and confidence in a supportive environment for responsible and positive care of the tamariki.

The launch, celebrated last week, was an opportunity to celebrate the gifted tohu and new name at Te Awa Hauora Marae.

Te Kaihaukura, Māori Midwife Lead Annmarie Taiapa said they were “blessed to have both Matua Hāwira and Nanny Ira (Ngā Pou Ahurea) alongside us, as Matua Hāwira presented the whakapapa of Te Pae Uma the kaumatua gifted to us. Josh of ŪkaipōArts also provided an in-depth meaning of the design he created for Te Pae Uma,” she said.

“We also want to acknowledge Sarah and pēpi Symaia for blessing us with the beautiful image that captures that special bond between māmā and pēpi. Thank you for being the faces of our brochures.” 

Photo supplied.

Public Interest Journalism funded by NZ on Air


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