Watching the flow of communications into my in-box regarding our latest deluge, I was impressed with the determination of our emergency response teams to keep us informed.

Of course, it has helped this time around to have: 1) electricity; and 2) internet access!

In particular there has been a steady stream of information from the Emergency Operations Centre in Hastings on flooding risks and evacuations and from the NZ Transport Agency regarding roading hazards and closures. Both updated frequently.

And continuous on-the-ground presence by Hastings and Regional council, Police and Fire (FENZ) staff.

Here’s just a sampling of the EOC updates that are being sent to all media, including the final ‘ It’s over!’ release (full release here). They are also posted on the Hastings Council website and Facebook page, which many residents might not realise (now you do).

Thursday 27 June – 12:29pm – Local State of Emergency for Haumoana lifted, residents can go home 

The local State of Emergency for Haumoana has been lifted as at 12.04pm following the ending of the Orange weather warning and sea levels no longer posing a threat. 

Thursday 27 June – 9am Media advisory  

A decision was made overnight to re-evacuate around 90 homes in Haumoana. These were homes where people had opted to stay or returned through the Police cordon. 

The decision was made with Police and FENZ staff and based on technical advice from HBRC. 

Two families and around 30 RSE workers made their way to the Haumoana School Hall where they were registered and settled in for the night. They have since left the center this morning. Haumoana School remains closed today and is available for the community. 

Some risk of flooding still remains with the next high tide due around 9.15 this morning, after which HBRC will continue with remedial work on the sea crest.  

The State of Emergency remains in place at this time. The decision on when to lift the evacuation notice will be based on technical advice following the high tide and subsequent technical advice late this morning. 

12 midnight Haumoana update

All evacuation visits by police and fire have been completed – thank you to the community for your co-operation. A team remains on duty to keep a close eye on the situation, however no change is expected overnight and therefore no further updates will be issued tonight, unless the situation changes.

Additional to our 4.40pm Haumoana update:

Police and fire staff are revisiting the affected areas in Haumoana instructing residents to evacuate to family or friends, or to Haumoana School if they need to.

Of note:

  • The risk of flooding remains
  • The sea swell has not subsided
  • The sea is overtopping the dunes/land impacting lagoon levels; compounded by rain, the high tide (9.08pm) and Tukituki River flows.
  • The lagoon pumps continue to operate and auxiliary pumps are in place, but they cannot keep up with the amount of water.
  • Emergency services are aware that some residents returned to their homes today – hence emergency services revisiting tonight to ensure they are aware of the situation.
  • The evacuation area remains limited to those streets evacuated this morning.

4:40pm Media Update

·         The evacuation notice and State of emergency remains in place

·         Teams from Fire and Emergency, Police, HBRC and HDC, Civil Defence, and Council have made the decision not to lift the cordons in place around the community of Haumoana tonight, assessing the risk of inundation remains elevated. People who have evacuated should stay where they are and not return home until advised to do so by Civil Defence. This is a cautionary approach – while we understand people may be upset at spending a night away from home, we want to avoid re-evacuating people in the middle of the night.

·         High tide will be at 9pm tonight and forecast to be around 2.1m, with the swell expected to drop. River levels have remained stable and are beginning to recede in some areas however further rain is forecast with the orange warning currently in place until 11pm tonight.

·         Haumoana School remains open for as a safe place of shelter for residents impacted by the flooding, with HDC staff remaining onsite overnight. Flaxmere CDC has been stood down for now but is on standby should the situation worsen.

·         Council is liaising with Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (HBRC) as work progresses to manage the risk of inundation through repairs to the gravel barrier at the beach. 

Even with repairs in progress, the risk of overtopping still remains given the significant swell and high tide.

·         The roading network is fragile, and the status of the roads is fluid as contractors work hard to re-open roads and manage issues as they become known.  All non-essential travel should be avoided.

·         Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst said Hastings District Council was grateful for the announcement by Minister Mitchell of an initial $100,000 for the Mayoral Relief fund this afternoon.

·         Agencies will be assessing the situation at day break tomorrow with a meeting at 9am to reassess the situation, with the next media update following that.

Haumoana flooding risk

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