Presently there are 535 jobs on offer in Hawke’s Bay, as indicated by Seek listings.
BayBuzz browsed through these out of curiosity.
We figured the companies and organisations seeking to fill these positions are optimistic about their futures. So where does that optimism lie?
67 jobs advertise paying $100k or more, and these reflect the breadth of HB – council staff (including Napier CEO), IT and software, health care, finance, government agencies (Corrections, MSD), familiar companies like PanPac, Watties, Ryman Property, Tumu, Big Save, Westpac, Ballance, Unison and more.
In the ‘most intriguing’ category, offerings for commercial carpenters, electricians and plumbers “required for a remote project in the Pacific” (have saw, will travel!). We understand this project is building a getaway bunker for Donald Trump … applicants should insist on cash in advance.
Then there’s the staid job of ‘Financial Controller’ – however the perk here is that you’d be working for Cape Kidnappers, Kauri Cliffs and Matakauri … three of the most luxurious retreats on the plant. Applicants should insist on physical travel to work sites … no Zooming.
In the $50k annually category are about 310 jobs (deducting the aforementioned $100k+). These are jobs for mere mortals – mid-level managers and administrators, sales, warehousing, bookkeepers (BayBuzz needs one), procurement, NGOs and social services, food production, education, and the always available … council staff.
Most intriguing here, school photographer with “travelling and overnights away required”. No mention of camping gear. And ‘Intelligence Officer’ for HB Prison … apply in disguise.
In the ‘Super Cool’ category, ‘Copywriter/Marketer’ … not an unusual occupation, but with this focus: ‘Leader in online guitar lessons seeks kickass copywriter/marketer who understands the basics of guitar’. And ‘Launch Technician’ for Rocket Lab (our editor has applied … he was very successful with his garden hose/air pump rocket launcher as a kid. Only one mis-fire through his parents’ picture window).
Our takeaway? Hawke’s Bay has a remarkably diverse array of jobs available for such a small market. And as many of the adverts tout, who wouldn’t want to work in “Sunny and vibrant Hawke’s Bay?!”