Having just endured 90 minutes of pure misery, I can only describe the US Presidential debate as embarrassing painful.

Painful because the world was treated to an unending dose of groundless Trumpisms that were utterly devoid of factual basis, but deeply grounded in fear-mongering. 

Painful because of both the format and the most ineffective ‘moderating’ I’ve ever witnessed in a Presidential debate – together these conspired to allow Trump to totally and repeatedly ignore the important questions he was asked. 

Time after time he ignored specific questions about issues like child care, opioid abuse, climate policy, social security … the list goes on, cleverly using his allotted time on each question to hammer away at his unrelated themes, with no real push back from the moderators. It’s hard to know whether an ‘undecided’ voter would have been more (negatively) influenced by his evasiveness on vital issues or more (positively) by his unrelenting carpet-bombing of Biden’s capacity.

Painful because Biden looked and spoke as if he were specially released from hospital intensive care to make this appearance. All that was missing was an intravenous bottle. No voice. Zero energy. Not the slightest reassurance of ‘strong leader’, which is what American voters crave. Even the most staunch defenders of Joe Biden’s values and political record would have been cringing from the opening moments.

Days of preparation had clearly left his head over-crammed with data and three-point ripostes. The substance was usually sound, but his delivery atrocious. The audience would have been more attentive to whether he garbled his sentences (which on occasion he did) than to his message.

Painful because it showed Americans and the entire world what a miserable choice for the Presidency the US political system has served up. 

I’m horrified at how dangerous a ‘validated’ President Trump — surrounded by sycophants and ideologues who would magnify his worst instincts — actually would be to American society, economic justice and stability, and rule of law … to say nothing of international affairs. 

There’s no danger with Biden, I trust his values; the political cadre around him is not evil, full of incredibly wacky ideas, or morally corrupt. We saw the same work effectively with an aged Reagan. But I do wonder at the judgment or hubris that led Biden to regard himself as the best person to rally American voters in the full-on defence of the nation and its historic values that is desperately needed, given the assault from Trump. 

When people/voters are hurting, they seem to take one of two political paths. Either they look hopefully to be inspired, energized, led by a positive vision. Or they let their fears take over and look for a champion of blame and retribution. In either case they choose to follow someone … and they would really like to admire that person.

Was that on offer in this debate? Or in this election?

At the end of the day, maybe a resigned ‘do no harm’ attitude will prevail with American voters. Otherwise, fasten your seat belts!


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  1. Can’t do otherwise, Tom, but share your despair. Another Trump presidency looks on the cards, and it will be even worse, maybe a lot worse, than the first. Can the American people elect a pathological liar, a sexual predator, a man whose instinct is to destroy anyone who gets in his way, and, for good measure, an intellectual lightweight? It looks like it.
    A few days ago, with the pre-debate interest, I searched, and not for the first time, the opening debate in 1960 between Kennedy and Nixon, the first television presidential debate ever. Decorous from start to finish, with each articulating their views and policies. It was enlightening, and in no way cringing. It couldn’t be further from this debate. What does that tell us about political discourse today in America, or anywhere, including here, for that matter?
    I could never understand why Biden didn’t settle from the start for a one-term presidency. It would have made a good presidency even better, and shifted Trump’s endless vitriol elsewhere. To stand again at his age, with its obviously attendant infirmity, is an act of selfishness.

  2. Tom, President Biden’s record, in particular the military support given to the genocidal government of Israel, but also the multi trillion dollar damage done to the US economy under his management make a mockery of your assessment. The guy is a danger to world peace and humanity. One (maybe the only) good thing about Trump is his intention to end the murderous and potentially nuclear world war in Ukraine.

    1. Painful to watch!!
      Home of the Brave. In God we Trust.
      If that is the best they can put up for
      President? God help the Free World.

  3. Obviously, both ‘debaters’ have a super inflated opinion of their own abilities. Do Americans really get the leaders they deserve here? One wonders!

  4. It was obvious a long time ago that Biden is incapable to carry out the duties of the US Presidency. The Democrats (and Joe’s wife, Jill) should have stopped him at least a year ago and prevented such a sad display of his alzheimers/dementia. I am not a fan of Biden but to allow him to make such a fool of himself was elder abuse. Shame on them.

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