Minister of Health Shane Reti

The Government is throwing up more questions than answers as it talks about progress towards a “new’’ hospital for Hawke’s Bay.

Minister of Health Shane Reti and Tukituki MP Catherine Wedd visited Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital last week, during the minister’s whistle stop tour through some of the region’s healthcare facilities.

Afterwards, Wedd released the following media statement: “Progressing plans to redevelop Hawke’s Bay hospital is a priority for the government, with a business case for a new hospital being developed, as well as existing programmes to improve the performance of the existing hospital.’’ 

So, a redeveloped hospital or a new hospital? A new hospital on the same site or a greenfield development? The actual business case for a hospital or just the preparatory work to decide if infrastructure spending is required in Hawke’s Bay at all?

The Minister of Health was able to provide some clarity in response to BayBuzz’s questions.

“Health New Zealand is currently in the pre-business case phase for a new Hawke’s Bay hospital, where crucial work is undertaken to ensure any proposed investment is geared to the needs of future health services for the Hawke’s Bay region,’’ Reti said in a statement.

“A programme business case will be the next step in the process, which will look at some of the more detailed questions around what a future site could look like.

“I am committed to progressing the build of a new Hawke’s Bay hospital. I have been on-site and spoke to clinicians recently and I understand the need for more up to date facilities to deliver quality care for the Hawke’s Bay.

“Hospital builds can be a lengthy process, but it’s critical that we take the time to understand the needs of the community, so the type of facility and model of care is fit for purpose. 

“As we’ve recently seen with other hospital projects, without enough forward planning for both the building and the workforce needed to staff it, projects can stall at the last minute.”

If Health New Zealand regards Hawke’s Bay as a priority, then a Programme Business Case will be formalised and this region will join the queue of other potential projects in the Infrastructure and Investment Plan, which is released later this year. 

If Health New Zealand then decides it will commit funding to Hawke’s Bay, it could still be years before any building work starts.

Public Interest Journalism funded by NZ On Air


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  1. The way Hawkesbay is growing the need for further Health Care is going to outweigh the need for just one new Health Care Plan but several as we’re likely to end up like Auckland

  2. i suspect given the recent investment at Memorial Hospital, we will have a redevelopment rather than a brand new hospital.
    This is probably the best outcome should we want it sooner ( whatever sooner becomes than a blank canvas site )
    HB Memorial has ample land to develop ( I can see the existing carpark developed in 5-6 level clinical services block ) with the old nursing hostels & villas demolished for a car parking building

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