Two appeals were filed with the Environment Court after a proposal to build a film studio in Te Awanga received consent from a hearings commissioner just ahead of Christmas last year. The Environment Court has now set a court-assisted mediation session between the parties for June 15.
One appeal was filed by Andrew Caseley, a submitter opposed to the original application. On January 31 he filed an appeal asking for clarification or strengthening amendment to a number of the conditions that were imposed on the resource consent.
Caseley’s appeal is here.
A second appeal was filed on February 1, by the applicants themselves – Number 8. Studios. This appeal seeks to delete the condition limiting the hours of operation of the film studios. The condition requires them to abide by strict opening hours, after which any activity would require special consent.
Number 8 Studios appeal is here.
For more information on the appeal, see Bay Buzz’s previous reporting here.
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