Courtesy of Micky Savage writing in The Standard, here is a succinct, highly readable summary of the latest manipulations of information surrounding the CHB dam, titled: The many and varied problems with the Ruataniwha Dam proposal.

Keep in mind all of this has come to light since the dam and Tukituki management consent applications were lodged with the Board of Inquiry. You’ll recall that many of us, aware of the gaps in HBRC’s case, called for a ‘time out’ in this farce a few months ago. In vain.

This article should be required reading for those local politicians still running around saying: “I am FOR the dam, assuming all the environmental and economic boxes can be ticked”.

Given the manipulation of information by two ministries and the HBRC itself, the burden of proof is clearly the opposite. The only responsible position to take today is: “I am AGAINST the dam unless all the environmental and economic/financial boxes can be ticked.” And that looks more and more doubtful by the day.

The HBRC seems determined to dig itself deeper and deeper into a (in)credibility pit.

For example, its incredibly foolish complaint against Radio NZ’s coverage of the dam information shenanigans. Is this coming from the HBRC senior staff? From their boss Andrew Newman? From HBRC Councillors. From HBRIC’s private sector board members? Exactly who took the stupid pill on this one?

For example, its steadfast resistance to making available science and modeling information that submitters against the HBRC scheme require to prepare informed evidence supporting their objections. It has required legal action by Fish & Game and the intervention (last Friday) of the chairman of the Board of Inquiry to require HBRC to release the required information.

HBRC just can’t seem to find enough ways to shoot itself in the foot. But there’s still more time in this triennium.

Tom Belford


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  1. For goodness sake HBRC. listen and take care what the people are saying. You have the nerve to complain about Radio coverage re; the Dam, but choose to ignore the wish of People. HBRC, please answer this,, What is the hurry in trying to push through the building of the dam

  2. The whole damn business is just bizarre the way the HBRC is hell-bent on pushing this through regardless of what the people say!

    The dam will benefit CHB landowners and a few wealthy investors. What about the rest of us??? There is no such thing as trickle-down, the rich just get greedier. Us, the ratepayers will be required to pick up the pieces when the projected income doesn’t live up to expectation and investors are up in arms.

    I am dead against all the spending the HBRC and HBRIC are clocking with their feasibility studies. HBRC and Andrew Newman are recklessly spending our money whilst there is too much negative evidence stacked against the whole project. Welcome to further degradation of water quality in the Tukituki, more intensified dairying and higher debt burden carried by ratepayers.

    It might be too late to say it, but please stick to your knitting HBRC, protecting the environment is paramount.

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