HDC Media Release
16 March 2023
Update on Havelock North reserves following Cyclone Gabrielle
Contractors are completing tree works in Palmbrook Reserve and Karituwhenua Stream Walkway in Kingsgate Reserve over the next couple of weeks. The grass paths in the higher sections of Palmbrook and Kingsgate reserves are open and Karituwhenua Stream Walkway will partially open in April, following completion of tree works. Tree removal in these reserves has been prioritised to ensure the stream is cleared as soon as possible.
The shared path in Hikanui Reserve has reopened, however the MTB track was damaged by a slip and remains closed.
We are working towards partially reopening Tainui and Tauroa reserves in April and ask that until this time people remain out of these reserves due to the large number of hazards remaining which could cause serious injury.
Keirunga Gardens and Tanner Reserve are open for walkers and dog walkers, as well as some walking and MTB tracks in Te Mata Park.
Kind regards,
Hastings District Council parks team
I thought Cyclone Gabrielle was bad enough but the Hastings District Council has done more damage to Kingsgate Reserve than the cyclone ever did!! It is clear that they are simply using the excuse to cut down all non-native trees big and small. Natives are great and bring in the birds and I can see what they are trying to achieve but exotics can also have their value and in this case a heritage value. The exotics are what made that reserve unique. We can go on lots of native bush walks but where else can you see such old beautiful hundred year old trees. This is part of the heritage of Havelock North being quietly decimated. The old trees are truly spectacular. They have been quietly removing large non-native trees in the lower parts of the reserve for a while (as seen by the large stumps left behind) but have now gone mad and presumably have extra funding for the clean-up. It is nothing short of hoodwinking to say they are cutting trees due to safety concerns! Who are they kidding! All your favourite redwoods, oaks and pines in the Reserve will be gone by the time the park is open again.
At least leave these majestic old trees that gave us so much enjoyment till they naturally die and then replace them. The same has been happening in other Havelock North Reserves i.e. the oaks in the reserve below the Havelock North cemetery where the trees were deemed diseased, but the community proved the council were not being honest (a quick google search will show you what I mean). Noone minds if the trees are truly unsafe but this is outright lying on the part of the council. I feel like chaining myself to a tree! Anyone to join me?