Pat Magill, leading from the front

Two of our region’s most inspiring activists have passed away.

Social activist Pat Magill died last week at age 96.

I first met and started writing about Pat and his exploits, especially his championing of the Napier Pilot City Trust, in 2008. Of course, by then Pat was already 50-60 years into his advocacy of social justice, commu­nity development, crime prevention and criminal justice reform, improved Pakeha/Māori relationships, and over­all social well-being. 

Pat fervently believed our local councils had an important role to play in these matters, a view which had not been traditionally accepted. But with his sheer passion and persistence coupled with lovable manner he made his views impossible to resist. The book about his life is aptly titled, Pat Magill – Leading From the Front – a vocal advocate for love, inclusion and a better New ZealandWe wrote about Pat and his biography here.

Sadly, in the week Cyclone Gabrielle let loose, environmental activist June Graham passed away at age 90.

June would blush to be called a leader. Yet the incredibly energetic but humble June was a legend amongst local environmental leaders. If the environment was on the table, she was there.

Her quiet, unassuming manner disguised a keen mind that often raised ‘the emperor has no clothes’ questions. No one followed Regional Council issues more closely than June and no councillor took her views and gentle but pointed rebukes lightly. 

Even in her ‘advanced’ age June thought nothing of driving to Wellington to present a submission or testimony in person, and drive back the same day. She served as our regional rep on the DoC Conservation Board and was recognised by both HBRC and Napier City Council as a civic leader. More on June here.

Both Pat and June were truly inspiring community advocates – models of civic responsibility who cared about and acted upon important matters beyond themselves. Our community is fortunate to have had them.


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  1. Lovely acknowledgement. Very pertinent to our community ideals. I really appreciate this journalism.

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