Photo: Catherine Reeves

This month’s Wings and Wildlife, prepared by Jessica Maxwell, includes: Peacefulness of rural Eskdale Park is under threat; the team at Biodiversity Hawke’s Bay is on hand to support community projects; Special Olympics is raising funds and keeping cans out of landfill; Hōhepa Hawke’s Bay’s clients are preparing the groundwork to plant tens of thousands of home-grown natives; find out what WReNNZ is all about; animal welfare heroism in Ukraine; Auckland Zoo celebrates its centenary; and fungi are popping up all over the place.

Here’s a sample:

Planting Progress: Last year, Hōhepa Hawke’s Bay received $1 million from the Jobs for Nature Fund to expand and protect the wetland habitat that services Te Whanganui-A-Orotu (Ahuriri Estuary) and establish riparian protection zones along the Taipo Stream and the associated waterways. 

Laura Mackie, Hōhepa’s Funding Support Officer, told me that the three-year project has rocketed off to a successful start, with the wonderful people they support playing a key role in that success. “We have kicked off a work and training programme for ten of our workers and their support people to follow, providing necessary structure and goals every step of the way. Our nurseries in Clive and Haumoana are bursting at the seams with tens of thousands of home-grown plants ready to go as soon as the seasons allow.” 

Hōhepa has been generously provided access to a large piece of erosion-prone land along Church Road on the outskirts of The Mission’s vineyard. This area will be covered in predominantly native plantings, with vital input from local iwi, in order to mitigate the effects of sedimentation into tributaries of the Ahuriri Estuary. 

You can download the entire April edition here.


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