As we reported last week, Hastings is introducing new technology aimed at making their parking wardens more efficient … and safer. HDC had noted: “Wardens are increasingly being verbally abused by members of the public and the new system is intended to reduce health and safety risks for these workers.”
Ever curious, BayBuzz asked readers about their personal commitment to paying for parking and observing posted time limits. We asked one question and here are the results from almost 250 drivers …
When you park in a metered or timed area, how often do you pay the fee or honour the time restriction?
- Always … I’m totally law-abiding — 38%
- Most of the time … we all have moments of weakness — 44%
- Sometimes … when the mood strikes me — 6%
- Rarely … I play the odds — 7%
- Never … I pay enough in rates — 5%
Those numbers should make Hastings and Napier Councils happy! We’re apparently a region of parking good-doobies … only 18% scofflaws. And in Hastings at least, now better technology to nail ’em.
Over 100 of our respondents offered comments. Most typical were drivers — the ‘popping in-ers’ — saying they only skipped if they were dropping by for a quick 5-10 minute pick-up.
But all were not keen. “I pay in Hastings but not in Napier. Napier is a greedy council. Even dog registration in Napier is over 100% more!” And: “I hate paying for parking and will walk for 5 minutes to avoid it. Not hard in Hastings if you know where the free no time limit places are.”
From a connoisseur of parking: “I am mostly pretty diligent with paying for parking although sometimes I know that I park in a space longer than I have paid for. The other side of the coin is: I often do pay and don’t stay as long as I have paid for – so in my mind it evens itself out.”
And a bunch of non-drivers: “Never use them as I’d have to take out reading glasses and don’t have enough hands. My feet can still walk.”
Thank you to all respondents!
We know by now hdc do not want shoppers in cbd. Get rid of them